Micki the rescue shelter dog lived in an RV for 10 Years
Below is her story in her own words, as best she could remember. From the sleepy farming community of Visalia California to a comfortable little home in Northern Arizona and many adventures in between.

Hard Times – Micki’s Story
At the young age of four months I was dropped off at this building, were I remember it was cold, wet and stinky. There were many cats in cages, all yelling and crying.
There were dogs of every size and breed, all barking and howling. I didn’t know what to Think. One of the many humans that worked at this place gave me a quick washing and for a brief time was nice to me.
I remember her telling me that someone would be picking me up soon. I couldn’t wait, but who would be picking me up? Where are they going to take me? Why am I here? I was confused.
I spent the next few days in a chain link cage with a cold concrete floor. I sure liked my small dirty blanket, it was the only thing that brought me comfort.
There were humans coming and going all day, when they would walk by my cage I would jump and bark and pretend to be so happy. Not sure why I would do that, I just saw the others doing that and thought that’s what I had to do.
One night at dinner time that nice human brought me my bowl of dry food and a special treat, it was a tender, chewy strip of meat. It was so good and easy on my young teeth.
She said something that scared me. She said that I only had a couple of days left at this place. It did seem like I had been here a long time. “You really have to look good and try to get one of the humans to pick you”, she said as she closed the gate to my cage.
What did that mean? Pick me? For what? I was only four months old and I was having hard times.
The next day, a little human said,” that one mom”, as he pointed to me. I went into my act, jumping, dancing and talking as best I could. As they moved on The mom said, “we are looking for a big dog son, to walk you to the bus and protect you”. I was feeling sad.
The next few days were not much better, they would open my cage and talk to me, some would take me for walks, but none of the humans would pick me. I didn’t even have a name. They would call me little one or Petey, like the dog from our gang, what ever that is.
On the seventh day two humans stopped at my cage, I didn’t even feel like getting up. I was so dirty and needed a wash. They opened my cage and the lady picked me up, she was so warm and talked so quiet and sweet to me.
I knew they were going to pick me. They did!
I was so happy I had to tell all the others before I left, so I howled and yelped as the humans did some kind of paper work at the front desk.
They took me for a ride in a blue ford pickup truck and told me my name was Micki. One of them carried me up the stairs, opened the door and put me down.
I couldn’t believe it, no concrete, wow this soft fuzzy stuff on the floor was so warm. “This is your new home”, they said. I was so little I couldn’t even jump high enough to get on the furniture.
First thing, mom gave me a nice warm bath. I was so nice and clean, I smelled great and I felt great.
There were some ground rules that I spent the next few months learning. I sure liked living with my new mom and dad. We moved from place to place a few times.
Lived in a house that had wheels under it and wherever we went the house came with us. We traveled around the world, well that’s what my dad would tell my mom, she has been around the world.
I swam with the water moccasins in Tennessee, ran with the wild horses in Arizona and got kicked by one too. I have been to Native American POW wows, many art and wine festivals, bad wind and rain storms that had tornadic activity.

There have been rubber stamps made in my image. I have walked thousands of miles with my best friends Sally, Lew, Apollo and Nugget.

My dad would motion for me to jump up on the end of the picnic tables so he could give me a good brushing. I would close my eyes and enjoy that so much. My mom would clean my ears and I would get a treat for being a good girl.
I was never abused and nobody was ever mean to me. I never went hungry. I tried every day to be a good girl. Mom and Dad always said I was a very good girl.

I have moved on to bigger bones with Apollo, Penny and Suzie, we walk for miles every day and talk about old times. I don’t have the pains of getting old anymore but I sure enjoyed my life with the humans.